Taming of a Villain
taming of a villain
Subtitle A message of hope
By Allen Langham
Published By

Lion Hudson

ISBN 9780857219374
Non-Fiction Genre Biography
Publication Date 06/21/2019
Price 11.99
Paperback Hyperlink https://www.lionhudson.com/page/detail/Taming-of-a-Villain/?K=9780857219374
Ebook Hyperlink https://www.lionhudson.com/page/detail/Taming-of-a-Villain/?K=9780857219367


The true story of a professional rugby league player’s journey from crime to Salvation.

Authors Biography

Former professional rugby league player Allen Langham is the father of three, founder of PinkLadies and Steps To Freedom and sports chaplain for Sports Chaplaincy UK. He won the Most Inspirational Individual at the 2014 CVS awards, and his story has captivated the hardest of hearts.


‘If you want evidence of the power of Christ to change, heal and redirect a man’s life, you will find it here.’ Tony Collins, editor and author

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  1. It’s amazing how much his life has changed and it goes to show no matter how bad things get there is always a way back. Really pleased for Allen. Well done

  2. I am so proud what allen has been through but come out the other side. He is an inspiration to others and should be so proud of himself. Fantastic book to read. Congratulations allen.

  3. I found this book inspiring and interesting. Within twenty-four hours, I’d read it cover to cover. I admire Allen for turning his life around and sharing his story with others.

  4. What an interesting read. Even more so as an ex criminal myself and knowing that we moved in similar circles. I saw first hand some of the carnage. I tried to write a book and the torment it brought up made me stop. Well done

  5. I met Alan many moons ago and to be honest he was a bit of an animal, you had to tred carefully when you were around him, i nearly got the langum treatment myself when i was helping him out. he is totally a diffrent fella now and to see from where he was to how he is today is remarkable. always happy to class him as one of my friends. keep up the good work buddy

  6. I have known Allen all my life. To see his journey written and published is an absolute testament to man he has become. A brave man who has experienced the darkest side of life, made some very bad choices and through his despair and loneliness ended up in a seemed never ending circle of crime. Yet, after coming through all of this has completely turned it all around and now using his experience for good. He has done so much, has come so far and set the highest of examples of not to lose hope and has proven that against it all if you put the effort and work in you can turn your life around. Allen, i am so proud of you and happy to call you my friend.

  7. I’ve known Allen for a fair few years through rugby league and knew the kind of reputation he had,although with me he has always been a top bloke and friendly. But reading the kind of life he had up until fairly recently was a bit of a shock!! You should be proud of the complete turn around mate and the book,an awesome inspiring read for anyone wanting to turn their life around,couldn’t be happier for you mate you deserve all the recognition you get for this!

  8. Great man and a great book. Inspiration to many.

  9. At times I thought there is no hope for this guy, but then I saw his heart, and I knew that there is always Hope when Jesus touches a heart……xx

  10. What an inspirational book this is. It only took me two days to read it and I consider myself to be a slow reader, I found it difficult to put down. Allen reached the bottom of the pit but through the love of God, Allen climbed his way out. A great read that anyone would enjoy.

  11. Absolutely amazing read. True to life and inspirational. A great story from start to finish.

  12. Just finished this book. Wow 😯 think weve known each other since we were about 14 ish and i had no idea what you had been through. Allen is an inspration to many people of how things can change and after everything he has been through he came out at the other side. He got is 3 beautiful children back with him and there a credit to him. Im so pleased with what he hs achived and how he has turned his life around, may you continue on this journey and i hope you find ur peace and happy ever after.

  13. A bright star in a dark sky.

  14. Congratulations Allen. An honest and inspirational account of your life that will go on to give hope to others. No one is a lost cause. How marvellous is the love of Jesus! God bless you and your family.

  15. Allen, this book inspires and instills that there is always someone special there for us all, Jesus . What a life you have lived . Tragic , sad , carefree, silly, uncaring but now …… your story is not finished but I know the future is bright for you. I am proud of you my friend .

  16. Fantastic read and truly inspirational

  17. What an amazing book from start to finish! This goes to show that anybody can turn their life around. Be proud of yourself Allen!!

  18. Brilliant book from start to finish well done Alan my old mate

  19. Sad, frustration and happiness are the 3 feelings I had for Allen whilst reading this book. He has had such a sad life but has turned it around with the life he has now and his 3 beautiful children. Brave and inspirational best describe Allen. A great read that I have learnt a lot from. Keep fighting Allen.

  20. A lifelong friend and so proud to witness his journey.

  21. Started reading this book one morning and by the next morning I’d read the full book, couldn’t put it down , amazing read and amazing how Allen has turned his life around after everything he’s been through, keep going mate !

  22. Loved reading Allen’s book, it was so open and honest, really encouraging, whether you’ve been a christian, for weeks, months or years. In all his troubles, he made it clear that God was there and he was the answer. Well done Allen. 🙂

  23. An honest and inspirational read that will leave you with such hope and happiness.

  24. What a truely amazing powerful book based on how Alan’s life was so dramatically changed by Gods awesome power and grace. Miracles do still happen in 2019. No one is beyond help by Gods grace. Prayer is so powerful. He will always be there. What a wonderful God we have!!!

  25. A brilliant read and it being a true story i found it an incidible insight into the life of others. You certainly have lived life to its fullest in so many ways both good experiences and bad. Always Be proud of yourself for all you have overcome

  26. I’m the painter in the book and saw the changed Allan i also new the old Allan and it is a miraculous turnaround very proud of where you are today I read it in 3 hours god bless him

  27. We met Allen recently at a Christian Fellowship summer camp. What a truly lovely man! His story is inspirational and ongoing doing amazing things for God. An example how God can use the past to influence the present and the future in a positive way and to help give people in similar situations hope! May God continue to bless you Allen and may your story be read by many!!!!!!

  28. Just finished reading Allen ‘ s book I grew up in the same area as him and have known him for many years, it’s amazing to see how he’s turned his life around and is now using his own experiences to help others. Looking forward to hearing more about your work when you come back into HMP. (After reading your book I am still shocked you want too lol)

  29. Such an honest presentation. Nothing hidden. Allen lets us know he’s still on a journey of sanctification. So many Christian books present an instant transformation at conversion that requires no further work of The Holy Spirit. This book and Allen’s journey continues to be hugely inspirational.

  30. Recently finished reading the book , it was a real book about a real man in places i felt heart ach and pain but Allen is so honest so i knew i had to finish to the end, This is the second book in my whole life i had to read , was ment to read .

    So proud of Allen in many ways he’s such a inspiration.
    Made me look at my life .
    Well done Allen .

  31. Wow what a transformation Allen is a true inspiration to us all and a true trophy of the Grace of God.

  32. Once you have met the man the only explanation for his transformation is Grace.

  33. Just watched this video, WOW!!! 😲 I’m in recovery ATM from drugs & this guy his now a “BLESSING IN THE NAME OF JESUS” 👈 Hope this book wins coz u deserve it & u are a “INSPIRATIONAL” 👈 bless my bro in Christ 😇👏

  34. A brilliant book from an amazing guy who knows he has no right to be alive but he is greatful to god that he is anyone in pain and torment needs t read this book

  35. Inspirational

  36. You don’t have to know Allen or be a friend this book of his life’s journey so far has you gripped, the true account of Allen’s struggles in life and where he is now on life’s journey is truly remarkable. This man deserves a huge credit to come so far. An amazing read from start to finish. Allen I wish you all the luck and love in the world you sir are proof anything is possible much love Allen xx

  37. I know Allen personally. Having met him and formed a friendship/brothership that is solid, it was both humbling amd inspiring to then read his book. His life story. This Man has laid EVERYTHING down on paper. There are no hidden agendas, ego boosts, or cries for sympathy. Just page after page of evidence… showing the absolute power of Jesus. Allen, i’m proud to know you and call you a friend. “The Man ☝🏼 has a plan”.
    Love and Bearhugs.

  38. Fantastic book just shows it’s never to late to change for the good … a real story about a real nice guy

  39. A real story about a real nice guy just shows it’s never to late to change … brilliant book

  40. This book tells the story of real-life violence, crime, addiction and evil which inevitably could only end in disaster for Allen Langham. It’s an extreme example of the pattern of many lives in our society today. However, that inevitability changed into something that seemed totally impossible. Allen’s life’s downward spiral began to reverse. He found redemption, transformation, salvation; the book describes it so much better. Read it out of curiosity, read it for the quality of writing, but read it because that same door is open to us all, no matter how good we think we are! The door is Jesus.


  42. This is the best book I have ever read, this Guy has changed his life around so much in fact he has inspired me to write my story. All

  43. I have met Allen just once and was captivated. An incredible man, an amazing story!

  44. A very inspiring and honest account of God meeting someone in their place of deepest need and restoring their life one step at a time. Your life circumstances might not be as extreme as the author’s but this makes for very hopeful, compelling reading.

  45. Allen told his story on my UCB2 radio show and we gave a signed copy of his book away. It’s a compelling story of transformation through Jesus Christ and is powerfully communicated through the book. Many of our listeners have gone on to buy the book and have enjoyed it thoroughly.

  46. Such a great story of how a life which most people would have written off as hopeless, that was turned around totally by the power of the love of Jesus.
    A humble man whose testimony will touch thousands of lives.

  47. Allen has sent many many copies into a prison I work in, here they are eagerly read, to the point of Being devoured…

  48. I am reading Allen’s book at the moment and struggling to put it down. I know Allen and a little of his background. I am amazed that he has managed to turn his life around after sinking so low. I hope it will inspire other young offenders on this downward spiral to find help and that no one is beyond redemption.

  49. Hope brings accomplishment!

  50. A page-turner, fascinating read, amazing story, gives hope to others. 10/10

  51. Allen and I grew up a few streets apart from each other, we shared the same friends and similar issues. I watched the effect his lifestyle on his eldest daughter and her mother. I’m so proud that he has risen from such depths to become such an amazing and inspirational human. I’m even more happy that he has become the parent all his children needed. Allen always had a huge heart, I’m glad that the love won. Very best wishes to you Allen.

  52. Brilliant book well done Allen !!

  53. Alan has been a friend for 7 years now. In this time he has supported me through dark times. This books makes me, as the reader , feel many emotions. The underlining ones are hope and nothing but love and respect for Alan. This book is a story that gives hope and guidance for many . Thanks Alan

  54. A fascinating and inspirational read. True testimony to the power and love of Jesus.

  55. A brilliant guy ur a inspiration to others lov this book its brilliant and really hope u make another one

  56. Brilliant book and was so compelling that I gifted it a stranger on my way home from holiday to pass the message on and pay his success and learnings forward x

  57. The story of this mans transformation is amazing and so inspiring! This book gives hope to anyone who thinks they can’t go on any further and is uNable to change themselves or their circumstances!

  58. Inspirational. Proof that you really can change your life around despite everything.

  59. Bro your book was awesome- the vulnerability, the transparency, the breakthroughs, the battles, the redemption, the divine appointments, the people God strategically placed, the journey; oh my goodness- it was so profound, heartbreaking, inspiring, soul stirring, enlightening, encouraging, inspirational, hopeful –
    Should be made into a movie!

    I thank God for you bro. I’m grateful to have you as my friend and my brother now and on the other side of eternity

  60. An eye opening read by an incredible man. We grew up with mutual friends but i knew very little of his struggles. It’s heartening to know that christ works for all, even those that think they are lost. Well done Allen.

  61. A truly “Road to Damascus” story which is wonderfully inspirational and which is also a very eady read.

  62. I met this man and heard his story at an event. I found it so inspiring I bought the book right away. The book did not disappoint. Riveting from start to finish, a real testimony of a painful journey, Met by grace.

  63. Such an amazing man. An inspiration to so many. 😊

  64. I have already been very impacted by Allen’s story – I love to see how he continues to live out his new future with passion and perserverance.

  65. A stonking book. I’ve just read it and it’s taken me a while to come out from behind the sofa. It’s inspiring and challenging – you think it’s all over when he becomes a Christian, but a lot kicks off after that as well. Gripping, stirring, painfully honest; a real story of hope against all the odds.

  66. Amazing story of a great life change
    Truly inspiring

  67. I have had the pleasure to meet Allen as I work with him. The book is a god and inspirational read

  68. Inspirational, moving, authentic and a thoroughly enjoyable read.

  69. A fantastic read, I couldn’t put it down. Allens journey so far has been tough, and the book captures it all, carrying a message of hope and a higher power, I really enjoyed it, a great read

  70. Allen is a Saint.
    If I’m down, he seems to know. He’s there. If you feel unloved… His love is there. Meet him and you’ll see. X

  71. An exellent book to read very emotional well done allen

  72. Great book, a blessing for the body of Christ.

  73. A true account of God turning someone’s life around

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  81. Alan is a trophy of grace,his book is inspirational

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  83. I used to manage a volunteer scheme for ex offenders in south yorkshire. Allen was recruited. He had passion. Endeavour and commitment. Top guy he was and still is. All the best Allen

  84. I used to manage a volunteer scheme for ex offenders in south yorkshire. Allen was recruited. He had passion. Endeavour and commitment. Top guy he was and still is. All the best pal.

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