Book Title: The Power In The Land
Subtitle: 2nd Edition
Author: Fred Harrison
ISBN: 9780856835421
Price: £25.00
Fred Harrison challenges the pessimistic belief, nurtured by the depressions of the last two decades, that unemployment is now a permanent feature of late 20th century society. Fred elaborates policies, based on a radical reform of the tax system, which would banish involuntary unemployment and generate continuous economic growth.
Author's Biography
Fred Harrison studied economics at Oxford, where he read Philosophy, Politics and Economics. His MSc is from the University of London. After working as an investigative journalist in Fleet Street and, he embarked on a 10-year sojourn in Russia, in order to help them avoid the economics favoured by rent-seekers.
This is a brilliantly-written and extremely readable book … not unduly difficult for those with no more than an elementary grasp of economic concepts.”
Journal of General Management
“Harrison’s book … raises, and goes a long way toward answering, the questions that gnaw at the intellects and consciences of all thinking men and women.”
The American Journal of Economics and Sociology
“In his book … , Harrison, correctly forecast property prices would peak in 1989 as well as the recession that followed it.” Ed Magnus,
Fred Harrison challenges the pessimistic belief, nurtured by the depressions of the last two decades, that unemployment is now a permanent feature of late 20th century society. Fred elaborates policies, based on a radical reform of the tax system, which would banish involuntary unemployment and generate continuous economic growth.
Highly recommended.
An extremely important subject we all need to know about, as it effects all of our lives.
The evidence and reasoning are irrefutable.
Brilliant book.
The book revealing the way out of each UK crisis.